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Other prepared dish

Seasoned leaf mustard
Seasoned leaf mustard
The flavor of sesame oil stirs up your appetite. Recommended as an accompaniment to rice.
[Main raw materials]
Leaf mustard (China), White sesame seeds, Chili pepper
Seasoned stem lettuce
Seasoned stem lettuce
Seasoned stem lettuce
Enjoy the texture of yama-kurage (stem lettuce) and the flavor of sesame seeds.
[Main raw materials]
Stem lettuce (China), White sesame seeds, Chili pepper
Seasoned sweet potato vines
Seasoned sweet potato vines
Sweet and spicy sweet potato vines seasoned in the traditional tsukudani style. Best use for breakfast, lunch box pockets, etc.
[Main raw materials]
Sweet potato vines (China)
Seasoned glass noodles (Chinese style)
Seasoned glass noodles (Chinese style)
Japanese dashi (soup stock) is used. Please enjoy the light and refreshing taste.
[Main raw materials]
Vermicelli (China), Jelly ear fungi, Carrots
Seasoned konbu seaweed and mushrooms (Yuzu flavor)
Seasoned konbu seaweed and mushrooms (Yuzu flavor)
Kelp is jellied with yuzu and mixed with two kinds of mushrooms for a refreshing finish.
[Main raw materials]
Enoki mushroom (China), Kelp seaweed, Nameko mushroom, Yuzu peel
Seasoned radish salad (Material from Japan・ Dried radish strips)
Seasoned radish salad (Material from Japan・ Dried radish strips)
Made from domestic ingredients, the dried daikon radish is lightly flavored with yuzu.
[Main raw materials]
Dried radish (Japan), Kelp seaweed, Carrot, Yuzu peel
Seasoned radish (Dried radish・Perilla flavor)
Seasoned radish (Dried radish・Perilla flavor)
The perilla-flavored seasoning gives it a bright appearance. You can mix with green and yellow vegetables for an even richer coloring.
[Main raw materials]
Dried radish (China), Carrots, Kelp seaweed
Seasoned radish (Dried radish strips・Plum flavor)
Seasoned radish (Dried radish strips・Plum flavor)
The moderately textured daikon radish and refreshing ume plum flavor are a best match.
[Main raw materials]
Dried radish (China), Dried bonito shavings, Plum paste
Seasoned bean sprouts (Kimchi flavor)
Seasoned bean sprouts (Kimchi flavor)
It is a refreshing yet spicy product that will keep your appetite going.
[Main raw materials]
Soy bean sprouts (Japan)
Seasoned bean sprouts
Seasoned bean sprouts
This product allows you to enjoy the texture of soy bean sprouts.
[Main raw materials]
Soy bean sprouts (Japan)
Seasoned bean sprouts (Bibimbap flavor)
Seasoned bean sprouts (Bibimbap flavor)
This is a very filling and satisfying product.
[Main raw materials]
Soy bean sprouts (Japan), Carrots (Japan)
Seasoned burdocks and Konjac
Seasoned burdocks and Konjac
This product emphasizes the texture of burdock and konnyaku made from domestic ingredients.
[Main raw materials]
Burdock (Japan), Konnyaku yam cake, White sesame, Chili pepper
Seasoned Japanese butterbur and pellicle of bamboo shoots
Seasoned Japanese butterbur and pellicle of bamboo shoots
Lightly seasoned with the flavors of bonito dashi and shiitake mushrooms.
[Main raw materials]
Butterbur (China), Pellicle of bamboo shoots, Shiitake mushrooms, Deep-fried tofu