About Menma

The method of cooking (Stir-Fry)

The method of cooking (Stir-Fry)

(1)Prepare ingredients

Prepare ingredients menma

① Menma (500g). ② Sugar (2 large spoons). ③ Soy sauce (2 large spoons). ④ Cooking wine (3 large spoons). ⑤ Cooking sake [Mirin] (3 large spoons). ⑥ Red pepper (thinly sliced). ⑦ Chicken bouillon (1 small spoons). ⑧ Sesame oil (proper quantity). ⑨ Chili oil (proper quantity).


(2)Stir-fry the Menma with sesame oil in a frying pan. 

Stir-fry the Menma with sesame oil in a frying pan

Soak the Menma in sesame oil before cook.


(3) Add other seasonings after proper stir-fried.

Add other seasonings after proper stir-fried

Stir-fry until there is no water left.


(4)The Menma is well cooked. 

The Menma is well cooked

At the point that there is no water left, add cut green onion as you like, the Menma will be more delicious.


(5)Put the stir-fried Menma on the top of the Ramen. 

greatest Menma

As be put on the top of the Ramen, the Menma is finally become the real Ramen shop Menma, which is the greatest Menma.